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Life No. 2

//confidence is something I'm learning to have. Standing up for myself appropriately is something I struggle with- usually I just let people walk all over me. But with lots of opportunities currently, I'm gaining, especially when it comes to someone questioning me. Then I not only have to prove it to them, but also to myself! win win.

//electronics are way overrated. I'd much rather read a book, or write a story, or make something. Not to mention the addiction and waste of time if you don't prioritize them right!

//skype chats with my cousins are awesome. even when we just talk {about random, sometimes deep, sometimes awkward, and always hilarious stuff} instead of doing what we had planned. haha. thats what happens when 3 people who are best friends live in 3 different non-bordering states. 

//writing a character sketch for a story thats been floating in my brain was a huge refresher. Here's hoping I can actually get in the groove and maybe make something of it!?

//babysitting 5 of the awesomest kids ever. <3 and getting to drive a massive 15 passenger van. =D baby snuggles and soft white blond hair. "Hannah! Hannah! Hannah!" all day long. little girl giggles. boys chattering while playing war with little plastic animals. imagination.

//washing dishes is ironically something I hate, and procrastinate, but enjoy oh so much as soon as I get my hands in the water.

I'm looking forward to a fun-filled weekend travelling to see lots of extended family! <3 Can't wait to spend some extra time with my mama and sissy!!!

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