my cousin Torri + I at my family shower a couple weeks ago...
weight gain: I should cross this one out since I DESPISE bringing it up... lol. buuuuttt... it is a part of being pregnant, so whatever. I gained about 2 lbs. since my last update, which is right on track with what I'm supposed to and works with my goal too!!!
morning sickness/tiredness: feeling much more lethargic again... I've actually scheduled myself two "rest times" everyday, with plans that one of them has to be a nap.
cravings: cheesy potatoes- the kind with corn flakes in them... brownies. boiled eggs. cheesecake. a mancino's grinder or a sub would work too. cottage cheese.
movement: lots and lots of good hard kicks. generally in the ribs. and finally being able to just feel big random movements in general is pretty cool! Oh, and I forgot to mention that she likes to randomly punch my bladder. ^_^ ahem.
movement: lots and lots of good hard kicks. generally in the ribs. and finally being able to just feel big random movements in general is pretty cool! Oh, and I forgot to mention that she likes to randomly punch my bladder. ^_^ ahem.
other stuff: Well, I was able to ward off the nasty cold going around for quite a while, but my body finally gave in... Its been just a little so far, and I've been consistent with taking the meds my nurse prescribed. And I've been consuming inhumane amounts of water. Oh, and I've been completely lazy. my comfy bed is my BFF!
I'm starting to make almost hourly bathroom trips{particularly at night}, which makes life all sorts of interesting.
I did fine with my blood work{YAY!?}- I didn't even get light headed! Thankfully my sister came with me, and she was a very very good distracter! Now the shot was a slightly different story. I stayed conscious, but man it HURT!!!! Sissy said the needle was about 4 inches long. {and she is NOT an exaggerator!} I jumped.
I've been washing lots of little tiny outfits, and its SO. MUCH. FUN! Even Josh gets excited when I show him what new piece I found!! I'm really starting to feel prepared, although there is tons of organizing and cleaning to do!
I signed up for a site called Ravelry, and I'm really looking forward to starting on some crochet projects like booties + hats!!!!
Enjoyed reading your update as always.:) I'm really looking forward to seeing a picture of your little one before too much longer.:)