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= Hello 2015 =

So I’m horridly late in sharing this, but life has been crazy. As you’ll read in my next few posts, we no longer have internet, which has made getting into a blogging routine very hard. But I’ll give it a go again now that I’ve got some other priorities straightened out! =)

::my focus::
I am finally realizing that I will never ever get anywhere without committing to persevere. I have goals, but I can't complete them without persevering.

::my words::
So I was going to pick just one word for 2015, like I have for the last couple years{2014, 2013}… I already knew what I was going to do- had ‘em all picked out, along with a verse for each. Buuuuuut then I read THIS POST, and that changed my game plan.

a “word” a month. I really really liked the idea and decided to do it myself. I mean, honestly I couldn’t even remember what word I picked at the beginning of 2014! And I know that after about February I probably lost track of what I was to be working on!
I’m going to pick 2 words each month. These are going to be 2 things I desperately need to work on, and have really prayed over for the month previous. I’m going to try to keep one of them a little more practical.

so January's words are : joy + simplify

 ::my goals::
So I have a lot of goals, and I will probably end up breaking them down into my monthly goal lists as I go, but here are a few of my overall goals for 2015.

-complete a month-long photo a day challenge
-complete an entire 1000 Gifts list
-read 12 books{1 per month}
-read the entire New Testament
-complete the Love Dare
-become better at all my instruments, piano, violin, and guitar
-learn some serious photography
-become consistent
-make our house a HOME
-complete a “creative challenge”
-finish a 52 lists project


Be sure to check out my 2015 Pinterest board for more ideas!!!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see that you updated again! I hope you are having a great year.:)
